Selasa, 08 Mei 2018

What Are the Symptoms of Dementia in Aged Women

What Are the Symptoms of Dementia in Aged Women

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What Are the Symptoms of Dementia in Aged Women

Whether it is cancer, dementia, heart problem, skin disease or any other health issue, the earlier diagnosis of the illness can help a great deal in finding the appropriate medicine, treatment to make the right choices with right decisions for the future.

To whatever the disease is, an earlier diagnosis of it can help in verifying the causes of it and aids in curing it. In the case of dementia, there are some factors that can be treated and can positively influence the persons condition. Medicinal side effects, vitamin deficiencies, and certain brain disorders can be improved.

In the event person is suffering from dementia, the brain cells get damaged while the ability to converse each other also gets affected. In short, it overall impacts the routine life, thus making it challenging and complex.

As per the latest research, the women are more susceptible to dementia, perhaps one in every six have the chance of getting affected while in males, one in eleven males are vulnerable to dementia. In current time, scientists are analysing the conditions and investigating the factors that lead to dementia, the aspects as to why this disease is gender specific and the environmental risk features that induce the condition more in women than in men.

In todays time, forgetting a name or a phone number is not a big issue or something that can be pointed towards dementia. But in conditions where communication, memory, and language could not be focused or visual perception, reasoning, judgmental skills, and attention are impaired, there is a need to consult the doctor instantly. Below, we will discuss some foremost symptoms of dementia in old age women that can be helpful in diagnosing the illness at an early stage.

Memory Loss Affecting Routine Activities

The primary element of dementia is the  memory loss. Any recent information whether related to date, event, name of loved one(s), roads and directions used on a routine basis when being forgotten, asking the questions with a repetition or depending solely on electronic devices for day to day tasks are the common signs that a person is suffering from somewhat dementia and requires appropriate treatment.

Mental Confusion with Respect to Place, Time, and Identity

Usually, the patients suffering from dementia start forgetting the week, date, time or day of the week with the place. They normally find it difficult to understand the season and time segment. Days and dates are frequently forgotten. Even the places as to where they are right now or how they have reached there are also not understood.

Difficulties in Finding Things, Planning and Solving Problems

Keeping an appropriate track of the phone numbers, monthly bills, cash and making plans is challenging for the patients suffering from dementia. Compared to their perfect health time, they become unable to concentrate on the matters that hold great importance or they used to do it frequently. Due to the lack of memory, they start mislaying their personal items to unsuitable places.

Complexity in Accomplishing the Usual Tasks

People experiencing dementia find a hard time to accomplish the usual tasks such as taking a drive towards a known location, calculating the cash, and much more. Generally, they also forget to consume their meal and other similar activities.

Intricacy in Writing, Speaking and Visual Perception

Patients having the disease of dementia usually find it difficult to communicate with others effectively. They become unable to track the conversation, usually stop in the middle of the sentence and began to repeat the things again and again. They start pronouncing the wrong names, call people or objects in an unsuitable way and use inappropriate words to explain the situations. With dementia, they slowly become unable to evaluate the distances and weakens the visual perception.

Alteration in Personality

Initially, dementia brings minor or delicate changes, but with the passage of time, these changes become noticeable. The people that seem to be outgoing, confident and social in the beginning, may pull themselves out from the social gatherings, or may lose interest in their preferred hobbies. People with dementia find it difficult to fulfil the work project, in fact, they move themselves out from a social point of view due to the changes they are facing because of the disease.

Besides the above factors, there are many other elements present in the patient such as the inability to find that the person is lying, too much slipping on their own feet and much more. Whenever the patient is diagnosed with dementia, it seems a big shock for the associated people. In actual, the family and friends are required to cope with the patient. No doubt that its really hard to reduce the signs with the passage of time but its progress may rely on the overall health of an individual and the kind of dementia they have.

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