Selasa, 02 Januari 2018

Why to invest in hosted telephony

Why to invest in hosted telephony

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1 - Low Capital Investment
Cost is a big bottom line for many. There's very little equipment needed for IP based Hosted Telephony. You need the phones, a decent broadband supply and a switch, preferably a POE switch (one that can supply power to the phones).

Taking account of the lifespan of a phone system a traditional phone system might cost twice as much or even more once it's all installed. It's unlikely that a hosted system will cost more but even if it does it will most likely be more convenient to install and use which in turn saves time and therefore cost in a different way.

You can also use soft phones (use your computer to make calls) albeit they are not usually as good as a dedicated internet phone (IP phone).

Other Equipment

Just because I don't want to miss these things out; you can use conference phones and business or domestic class wireless phones with Hosted Telephony too!

Most suppliers will have a range of phones from one or more manufacturers that you can use depending on whether you want very simple phones all the way up to sophisticated colour display phones with touch screens.

2 - Scalable

This is one of the most flexible things about Hosted Telephony. Most Hosted Telephony systems are billed for monthly on a per subscriber basis so if you have 8 phone's you pay 8 subscriptions. This is like having 8 traditional phone lines... in fact it's like having more than 8 lines as you can put people on hold whilst you talk to another and hold 3 way conference calls so it's more like having 16 phone lines available for when you need them.

Typically subscription costs will vary depending on the provider and the features you want but this often works out less than a traditional phone line. With most providers you can change the number of subscriptions you have each month so if your business is 8 people this month, 12 people the next month and 6 the month after that you only have to pay for the number of subscriptions you use at those times. It's true that you may need to buy the extra phones but at least you only need to pay for services as and when you need them.

In a similar way extra features like call recording and operator consoles can be added and taken away as needed.

3 - Mobility

For Hosted Telephony mobility can mean quite a few things...

If you are based in London, you have a 0208 number for example and you want to move to say Nottingham, no problem, just unplug the switch and the phones, take them to Nottingham, plug it all back in again and carry on. You will retain your 0208 number and in theory if your move was to Australia the same applies.

Got an office with some people working from home? Maybe you have an apartment in Spain? That's no problem either, each can have their own phone or soft phone wherever they are and it's still part of the same system. It's worth mentioning that calls between phones on the same system are usually free, wherever they are but again this depends on the supplier.

Sometimes you are in the office, sometimes at home, sometimes at clients and sometimes in the car. Again no problem you can set Hosted Telephony to follow you by ringing each of your phones in turn until you answer or if you like all your phones can be rung at the same time.

Some systems might have a little app that goes on your mobile to make it part of the system. As an aside more mobile phones are becoming available that can make calls over the internet when available instead of the 2G mobile network.

Hosted telephony allows you to use numbers that are not in your area so if you are in London and want to have numbers for Bath and Brighton that's no problem either. I don't know if this is a good or bad thing but it does mean that area based numbers are losing their meaning, much as the mobile phone network by default means area numbers don't make any sense.

4 - Easy to Maintain and Great Support

If you have your own on premises phone system you often end up paying for support. Support for when you don't understand something, when you need something changed and for when something goes wrong.

With Hosted telephony much of that support comes with the subscription. The thing that you may need help with from your IT support is if there are problems on your network or broadband supply. Having said that Hosted Telephony support will overlap with your IT support and if your Hosted telephony supplier is supplying your broadband then this area is covered.

Support should be able to help you with how to do things yourself and will be able to do them for you if needed.

5 - A Uniform Experience Everywhere

Let's say you have a business with one main office and 10 branches. If you went down the traditional PBX route and you had opened the branches at different times you might have a variety of phone systems or maybe no phone system if the branch is very small. These systems might not talk to each at all or maybe partially. The different phone systems may work in different ways.

With hosted Telephony none of this matters, the system works the same everywhere, everyone can communicate with everyone else and it doesn't matter if there is 1 person or 100 people at any particular location.

6 - Backup and Fail-over

Because the main system is usually hosted in secure duplicated environments everything should backed up for you from the system configuration to any recorded calls you might have. If the computer with your system on it fails then another takes over and you will notice little or no difference, chances are you won't even know that anything happened.

But... what happens if your broadband goes down and some of your phones are disconnected from the system? That's also not so much of a problem. Depending on how you want things to work there are several ways in which inbound calls can still get to you. You can redirect calls to another phone in another branch, your own phone or a colleague's. If you already have calls following you or ringing your phones simultaneously then those phones will continue to ring.

7 - Control from Your PC

Most Hosted Telephony systems can be managed by yourself either at individual level or at system level. Some systems have a tool bar that is installed on Outlook which controls much of the phone configuration which many people find very convenient.

You can also control things by logging in from a web browser from anywhere, from menu items on your phone and through older style star codes e.g. *78 might activate Do Not Disturb mode.

From the web browser login you can get reports on the calls going in and out of your system:

You can control many things in the system easily from anywhere without needing an engineer and without having to know much about telephone systems or how they work. The phone system just becomes another piece of software for you to access.

8 - More Future Proof than Many Other Telephony Solutions

From time to time the system will be upgraded to fix any bugs that might still be in the systems (there are always some bugs in every computer system), to improve existing features and add new ones. This will all be maintained for you. Hosted Telephony Systems could be quite different in 10 years but you don't have to worry about it. The only hardware you might want to change is the phones and the switch but even those items can receive firmware and software updates so that they can go on doing their job for longer. Changing phones is a cost but at least any disruption is kept to a minimum and can be phased if necessary.

9 - Bolt-ons For When You Need Them

Depending on your business and how you run it you might want a few extra features such as call recording, call queueing, auto attendants, an operators console and maybe even a wall board for a call centre. You may need some of these only some of the time so again, you only need to pay for what you are using when you are using it.

10 - A Low Carbon Footprint

Last and not least, like many Cloud services you and your company will be doing your bit for the environment. The servers used with Hosted Telephony are usually high quality enterprise servers that use less energy than others and result in a reduced carbon footprint all round.

You will probably be using phones which will use some power but you won't have a phone system control unit to run so will be using less electricity than you would if you had a more traditional system.

Each user takes around 90kbps internet bandwidth per call running over your existing network and possibly your existing broadband supply. Even if you need a dedicated broadband supply this utilises less infrastructure than multiple analogue or ISDN phone lines and therefore uses less energy.

Why Meditation Doesn't Work

Why Meditation Doesn't Work

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The title of this article may seem a little strange. How can I say meditation does not work when there is a vast amount of research which seems to show that it does?

There is a huge amount of scientific experiments that seem to reinforce the belief that meditation can; make you healthier (both emotionally and physically), make you look younger, bolster the immune system, help you recover faster after operations, reduce stress, help you to live longer, remove past emotional issues and alter negative beliefs.

So how can I say that meditation does not work?

I can say this not because meditation never works but, unfortunately, because meditation does not work for the vast majority of us! Why is this?

Well the answer to the question "why does mediation not work?" is simple!

Meditation doesn't work for most of us because they haven't spent many, many years learning how to do it and practising it! If you have ever tried to meditate then you know just how difficult it can be. Just relaxing your body can prove to be a challenge. You get itchy, want to move about and feel restless. Even if you succeed at getting your body into the required relaxed posture you are then required to still the mind through meditation practises that are new and strange to you. It just seems like a constant uphill struggle.

So, is there a way to gain all the benefits of meditation without the drawbacks? The simple answer to this question is a resounding yes!

Through a process called brain entrainment, that uses binaural beats, you can easily enter into a state of meditation easily and within minutes.

In 1839 a discovery in sound technology was to later revolutionize the scientific world when a German professor discovered binaural beats. When a tone is sent to one ear and another tone that is almost the same, but differs slightly in frequency, is sent to the other ear a strange thing happens. The two tones, when mixed together in the brain, create the illusion of binaural beats. These beats force the brain to produce brainwaves at very specific frequencies.

Although binaural beats were discovered by Heinrich Wilhelm Dove the effect that they have on the brain wasn't understood until the late 1970s by Gerald Oster. Oster learned that when these binaural beats are used in specific ways different brain states can be induced.

The significance of how these binaural beats work becomes really interesting when we look at some experiments that were conducted using very experienced meditators and EEG machines which measure brainwave activity. It was found that during deep states of meditation these people displayed Alpha, Theta and even Delta brainwaves. These brainwave states have corresponding physical states associated with them.

Oster found that using binaural beats he could induce the Alpha, Theta and Delta brainwaves states at will! By listening to binaural beats that were recorded at Alpha frequencies the brain began to display Alpha brainwaves. The same was true for Theta and Delta. As these brainwave states are induced, through binaural beats, the corresponding physical state is also induced.

Therefore, through the use of binaural beats, it is now possible to duplicate the mental and physical effects of deep meditation. To enter the meditation state all you have to do is listen to the binaural beats recording through stereo headphones, close your eyes and allow the binaural beats to go to work on your brain!

So, if you are one of the majority of people who cannot make meditation work, then simply use some binaural beats and save yourself at least a decade of practise!

Tourism Ranking II

Tourism Ranking II

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Tourism Ranking? Countries with the most tourist receipts and arrivals are compared to the other nations. The Top 10 in tourism ranking consists of the following countries: France, USA, China, Spain, Italy, Turkey, UK, Germany, Malaysia, Mexico. One might think that it is obvious as these countries are developed economies and on their way becoming one. But this is not the case, as strong economic performance does not mean high arrivals in international tourists. Furthermore Tourism Ranking shows the percentage change to the previous year. Throughout the world there have been 980 million total tourist arrivals in 2011, which the tourism ranking divides in the given countries.">The first definition of tourism is made by Guyer Feuler in 1905. Guyer and Feuler defined tourism as a phenomenon unique to modern time which is dependent on the people's increasing need for a change and relaxing, the wish of recognizing the beauties of nature and art and the belief that nature gives happiness to human beings and which helps nations and communities approaching to each other thanks to the developments in commerce and industry and the communication and transportation tools' becoming excellent. (Bahar, 2005: 2). The origin of the term tourism which lies back to the 17th century is the word 'tour' which is derived from the Hebrew word 'torah' meaning 'learning, examining'. Hebrews called the people whom they sent to see far places and learn the socio-economic conditions of the people living in those places as 'tourist' and the action as 'touring'. (Bahar, 2005:2). Indeed, Caspar defined tourism as a global system dependent on the relations of sub systems of tourist, touristic establishments, and tourism organizations with the economic, social, politic, judicial, technological and ecological environment of these sub systems.(Olali and Timur, 1986: 5-6). As for the tourism for countries is a sector which contributes to the national income, increases employment, affecting the balance of payments positively, improves technology and information transfer, appealing to the foreign enterprisers and acting as loco in developments of countries. (Han and Fang, 1997:357). What is Tourism Ranking? Countries with the most tourist receipts and arrivals are compared to the other nations. The Top 10 in tourism ranking consists of the following countries: France, USA, China, Spain, Italy, Turkey, UK, Germany, Malaysia, Mexico. One might think that it is obvious as these countries are developed economies and on their way becoming one. But this is not the case, as strong economic performance does not mean high arrivals in international tourists. Furthermore Tourism Ranking shows the percentage change to the previous year. Throughout the world there have been 980 million total tourist arrivals in 2011, which the tourism ranking divides in the given countries.

Senin, 01 Januari 2018

Top 20 Reasons Why You Should Visit Malaysia

Top 20 Reasons Why You Should Visit Malaysia

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A land of many colors and cultures, Malaysia is the ideal holiday destination. From bustling cities to beautiful beaches, verdant rainforests to warm waters rich with marine life, there are so many beautiful places in Malaysia to see, and so much to do.

There are countless reasons to visit Malaysia, but here are the top twenty:

1. Malaysia is the ideal blend of east and west. With all the comforts of the Western world at your fingertips, you are free to explore the rich Malaysian culture - from visiting major cities to exploring areas of natural beauty. And when you come home exhausted from sight-seeing, there are hot power showers, five-star standard accommodation and international cuisine according to preference.

2. Visiting Malaysia is great for the budget traveler, as everything - from hotels to food, transport to shopping - can be done cheaply if you do your research.

3. Malaysian society is geared towards tourism, so everywhere you go you will find accommodation to suit your pocket, people ready to help you find your way, and travel/transport facilities to give you access to all the important sites and attractions.

4. If youre crazy for culinary delights, youll fall in love with Malaysian food. Local dishes reflect Malay, Indian and Chinese influences, and are famous for being a little spicy, a little eclectic, and whole lot delicious! Make sure you try the famed nasi lemak, Malaysias national dish - coconut rice served with a spicy chilli based paste called sambal along side with fried anchovies and peanuts, omelet and cucumber. Sell famously delicious items in most towns, and the seafood is also exceptional along the coast.

5. Whether youre looking for big brand name goods or indigenous art pieces, Malaysia is the place to shop. Kuala Lumpur is the shopping capital, and the shops will put on grand sales at least twice a year to draw in tourist shoppers. The multitude of malls cater to every desire and taste, with products made in the Far East side by side with more recognizable brands. There are malls in Penang and Langkawi too, for those looking to combine a beach retreat with some holiday shopping.

6. Dreaming of palm-fringed beaches of white sand, and waves gently lapping at the shore? This dream is a reality at Malaysias many beach resorts. Sun sea and sand enthusiasts will be delighted at Malaysias kilometers of coastline and idyllic islands, with their pristine stretches of sand and clean waters.

7. A glance at the Malaysia map reveals much more than just beaches. Malaysia is also home to rainforests of untold natural beauty, a veritable treasure-trove of flora and fauna. Take an excursion or an adventure tour to get to grips with the rainforests in all their ecological beauty.

8. If the beach resorts and nature treks are not really your scene, Malaysias big cities will definitely keep you occupied. Shopping is not the only activity on offer. You can also check out the myriad of fantastic restaurants and cafes in Kuala Lumpur, or browse the night markets, sampling satay and collecting souvenirs as you go! Day or night, theres always plenty to do.

9. Malaysias amusement parks are all-round great fun for families, and a must-visit while in the country. Take a ride up to Genting to see the sprawling multi-million ringgit theme park at 2,000 meters (there are hotels and casinos nearby too), or visit Sunway Lagoon, a giant complex on 80 acres that includes a full-size resort and a water park as well as countless rides, attractions and eateries.

10. Of course, one of Malaysias premier attractions is the countless places of historical and cultural interest to visit. A trip to Malacca, heart of Malaysian history, is imperative - the city abounds with beautiful buildings, including St Pauls Church, the Sultanate Museum and the AFamosa Fortress. Gerogetown in Penang is also a UNESCO heritage site steeped in rich history and culture, and sightseers are urged to explore both cities.

11. Beautiful places in Malaysia include natural wonders of immense beauty and man-made structures of exceptional grandeur, like the Batu Caves near KL or the giant caves in Gunung Mulu National Park in Sarawak. Usually these spots are associated with beautiful temples that are decorated in amazing detail.

12. Visitors to Malaysia love the temperate weather - though there is a monsoon season, the weather is pleasant year-round, and even during rains there are often sunny spells in between.

13. Aside from traditional Malaysian dishes, one of the big attractions of eating in Malaysia is the variety of fresh fruit available. Mangoes, lychees and mangosteens are widely available, as well as the more unusual durian and rambutans.

14. Malaysia is now home to numerous sporting events, so if youre a fan youll find this the ideal spot to catch up on your favorite. Watch the Petronas Grand Prix and the Tour de Langkawi, or check out some action on the water at the Langkawi International Regatta or the annual Surfing Competition in Pahang.

15. Aside from sports, other cultural events are being held which may also interest the discerning traveler. The World Kites Festival promises to be a colourful affair, as does National Craft Day and the Chinese New Years celebration. Throughout the year there are many fun and fascinating events to attend.

16. A country rich in traditional and culture, Malaysia produces a wide variety of handicraft items, including hand carved wooden panels, pewter decorations, rattan bags and baskets and batik textiles. Learn the skills, or simply pick up a few pieces as souvenirs.

17. Nature lovers will fall in love with Malaysias rainforests, but aside from plant life there are also many animal species to be found in their natural habitats, including monkeys, leopards, tigers bears and rhinos. If you prefer your animals a little more contained, the KLCC Aquaria is worth a visit, as are the Butterfly and Bird Parks. Taking a trip to Kuala Selangor to see the magical fireflies is also highly recommended.

18. Divers love to visit Malaysia because it is home to one of the best dive sites in the world, a tiny volcanic island called Sipadan. The reefs here are home to dozens of hawksbill and green turtles, as well as all kinds of fish. You may even encounter a shark or two!

19. For those looking for more quiet and seclusion than is available at the average beach resort, island getaways provide a great alternative. Malaysias many islands, some very developed and others totally unspoilt, form the perfect backdrop to an idyllic beach holiday.

20. Sporty types will love holidaying in Malaysia - sport tourism opportunities include golf, cycling, mountaineering, and even hiking, jungle trekking and caving. Watersports on offer range from parasailing to jetskiing and surfing - truly something for everyone!

The best way to clean a fishing reel

The best way to clean a fishing reel

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It can be a labourious task to clean a fishing reel and ensure that you maintain it after each trip. However, most fishing reel faults can be put down to the fact that it was not cleaned properly and now has corroded parts or instead underperforms. This is an anglers most frustrating problem.
Preparing your fishing trip however should incorporate a full cleanse of your tackle and equipment, and the most important aspect of them is the reel. A good reel should last you for a long time due to the quality construction, however, like any mechanical device it also needs to be looked after.

There are however, a few things you can do in order to keep your reel in tip-top shape.

After you have removed the reel from the rod, you will need to take the handle off - these usually have a reverse locking system so you just need to unwind it. Next, with a damp cloth, wipe over the visible areas of the reel - make sure the water is clean and not salt water as this will corrode the components.

Depending on the reel you have you will then need to remove the sideplate. Penn fishing reels are often easier than others. Some of the unclip, or unwind while others are screwed in place - you should consult the manual if you are unsure. To clean the inside of the reel, remove any dirt with a swab and be sure to get out any other debris. Apply some bearing grease, or WD40 to the bearings and gears while you are inside as well to keep them fresh as this is one of the main causes of reel failure. Once you are done it is safe to put the reel back together again.

You should finally give the handle a good wash as this is likely to have water, bait and all other dirt over it. Just rinsing in water should suffice, but again make sure it is clean water you are using.

As you can see, if doesnt take much to look after a reel, and if you do you will keep it performing like it did when you first got it. If you ever have a reel stop working while you are trying to retrieve a fish, perhaps its time to look into the maintenance of your reel.

If you would like more information please visit my baitcasting reels website.

Thank you for your business!

Thank you for your business!

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A friend went to his local hardware store recently to buy a drill. The store had recently been sold, and the new owner helped him to make a selection. When he paid for the drill, the owner said Thank you for your business.

It took my friend by surprise. Not that he didnt like being thanked for his business, but he just wasnt used to it. The previous owner acted as though customers should thank him for waiting on them.

Even though the last few years have seen a new interest in serving customers well, there are still more businesspeople like the former owner of that hardware store; people who act as though theyre doing you a favor by letting you purchase something theyre selling.

Its a pity that more sales and service people dont thank customers for their business. It may not seem like a big deal, but those few words can have a major impact. They can make a customer feel appreciated, and can add a touch of warmth and humanity to an otherwise cold business transaction. And besides, those words are an expression of fact. Customers should be thanked for their business, because there is nothing forcing them to do business with you rather than your competitors! Theyve made a choice to buy from you, and they deserve to be thanked for their choice.

Think about it. Customers always have options. Even if you work for a business that has no competitors, they still have the option of going to the local store. They can always say No to you.

Thanking customers is just an acknowledgement of how important they are to you and of how much you value them. Without customers, no business can survive. Just try it! The next time you deal with a customer, even if its only to sell the cheapest product your company sells, thank them for their business. Say it with a smile, and say it with sincerity.

You may surprise them. Youll certainly make them feel good. They might not acknowledge it right away , but that little Thank You will contribute to a good feeling about you and your company.

For this article, I went to the archives. This is something I wrote for a sales and service staff training program twenty years ago. So let me ask you a question? Does this apply today? In the next article, we will look at different kinds of satisfied and unsatisfied customers.

Thailand Modelling Agencies

Thailand Modelling Agencies

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The myth that modeling is confined among the blonde and the beautiful is just a myth, especially since these days, more and more exotic-skinned ladies share ramps, commercials, billboards and magazine covers with the fair-skinned. In this new world of possibilities, the curtains have been opened for the tropical beauty. Asian women are among the growing additions to the modeling world. And who can complain to that? They have the prettiest and daintiest faces that could project a thousand sorrows and a million fun.

Thai models have graced a variety of print ads and TV commercials internationally. This manifests that they truly have something to show to the world. Petite, nave and exotic, these are descriptions that characterize the Thai beauty. And since many of them are still at large and undiscovered, many Thailand modeling agencies have taken action to get their hands on these young beautiful ladies and package them into versatile models for the world to see. There are a variety of top modeling agencies that operate and thrive on the Thailand modeling industry.

Artiste Model is a modeling agency based in Bangkok. It prides itself of pretty and professionally-packaged models that are popular faces in their local scene and beyond. Their projects include those in advertising and magazines. The portfolio shown in their website is actually a comprehensive one, with latest and previous works shown with elegant flair.

Another modeling agency in Thailand is Denz Models Management. It is a premier modeling agency that has a competitive list of hundreds of clients, all from 2 years of hard work and establishment. Their services include arrangement of model shoots, and model hiring, creative photography, organization and selection of casting for models, as well as other modeling-related services.

Elite Model Management is a popular modeling agency, not only in Thailand, but also in the whole of Southeast Asia. It was established in 2005 to cater to the international demands for quality Asian models... and how! They are a brilliant staff of bookers who will not settle for less than the best. Their portfolios will show just that.

Another addition in the roster of is Four for Fashion Model Management. It was established in 2000, and its aim is to provide models for all kinds of photo and commercial shoots that need professional delivery from gorgeous women, men and kids.

JWE Modelshop BKK is another one in the list of modeling agencies who brave the modeling industry in Thailand, Asia, and around the world. They provide models for all of these: print ads, TVC, eventshow, exhibition and production launches. Their competitive line-up of talents and models are leading names in the modeling industry in Thailand.
The modeling agencies mentioned above, as well as Chic Models Bangkok, Fash Models Management, In Model International, J. I. M. Modeling Agency, Model Story, Phoenix Model & Talent Agency and Red Modelling, stand steadfast in their goal to promote Asian beauty to the world public. These Thailand modeling Agencies commit to their standards professionally and do what they are best at... to showcase the true Thai beauty, and bring international beauties to Thailand.

Five Things You Should Know About Texas Post Judgment Interrogatories

Image source: Five Things You Should Know About Texas ...